Hi, I have watched so many videos on this website, dating way back to 2000/2001 or so when I first discovered the site. Having taken a beginners Flash animation course at my college, I really fell in love with it. My love for the class really helped me create stuff that was in the top quarter of the class in terms of quality/complexity. I decided that it was time to stop just watching the animations here and start contributing. Therefore I picked a couple of my better assignments and after I tweak them a little so they work better (load screens, replay buttons) I will load them up here for you to enjoy.
Unfortunately the one project that I spent the most time on has major problems with sound and it would take me so so so long to try to fix it, I just don't have the patience to do it, especially when it took me a couple days to just get it to try to work originally, which it did for a while, idk what happened.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy my stuff. I know I enjoyed making it. theres more on the way; I have one in the works (not an assignment, just something i wanted to do, yay!) and a short list of ideas to build upon.
Keep an eye out for me, I may be famous soon haha. nah, probably not :P